X DiVE Cards App
Manual V1.0

Table of content:
1. App Description
2. General Tips
3. Card Deck’s Main Menu Functions
     A. Basic Workflow
     B. Reset Deck
     C. Cards Filter
     D. Extra Features
          a. Auto Card Filter
          b. Highlight Active Effects
4. Presets Menu Features
     A. Add Current Cards as a Preset
     B. Delete a Card Preset
     C. Generate a Random Card Preset
     D. Generate a Compatible Card Preset
     E. Generate a Perfect Card Preset
     F. Match 1st Card with Perfect Cards
     G. Favorite Cards
          a. Adding Favorite Cards
          b. Deleting Favorite Cards
     H. Share Current Cards Build
     I. Copy Current Cards Build
     J. Saved Presets
5. Card Packs Menu
6. Card Stats & Rankings
7. Add Custom Cards
     A. Adding a Custom Card
     B. Deleting a Saved Custom Card
     C. Notes About Feature
8. Help Menu
9. F2P / Dolphin / Whale / Kraken Modes
     A. F2P Menu
     B. Dolphin Menu
     C. Whale Menu
     D. Kraken Menu
10. Card GACHA
     A. Basics
          a. F2P GACHA Tier
          b. Dolphin GACHA Tier
          c. Whale GACHA Tier
          d. Kraken GACHA Tier
     B. How to get Zenny
     C. Completion Rewards
     D. End Game Rewards
11. Settings & Information Menu
     A. Auto Card Filter
     B. Highlight Active Effects
     C. Reset App Data
     D. Developer Diary
     E. Secret Developer Page
     F. ???
     G. Player Stats
     H. Future Updates
     I. Credits
     J. Rate App
     K. Share App
     L. Support X DiVE Cards App
12. Thank You Note

Beginning of Manual

1. App Description
     - X DiVE Card App allows you to choose cards and build compatible and even perfect card builds which you can then save as presets.
     - There are also extra features like the Gacha Card mini game and other hidden secrets across the app.
2. General Tips
     - You can tap and hold on most buttons to see their description and what they do
     - If at any point you feel the app is acting weird you can tap and hold the Red Exit button to close all the menus in the background and reset the current deck.
     - Looking around the menus you will surely notice small touches and hints to secrets across the app.
     - You can Scroll any Text Box by swiping and also copy the text by double tapping a word inside the text box.
3. Card Deck’s Main Menu Functions
     A. Basic Workflow - Choose the 1st Card from the drop down list or zip through them with the Left & Right buttons; Tap the Star Rank icon to apply 5 Star stat boost; Do the same for the 2nd & 3rd Card and view your own created Card Build
     B. Reset Deck - To clear all cards and empty the Deck simply tap the Blue Reset Button. When the Reset Button is Purple it will remove the Favorite Cards Selector and/or Perfect Cards matches.
     C. Cards Filter - Tap the word Card 1, Card 2 or Card 3 to reveal the Card Color chooser; Tap the Colorful Orb and choose your desired Cards Color or Custom Cards which will in turn change the Card Selector to show only the chosen filter category.
     D. Extra Features
          a. Auto Filter - If you enable Auto Card Filter in the Settings Menu then once you choose the Card on the 1st slot, the 2nd & 3rd card slots will change to the first card’s 2nd & 3rd colors respectively.
          b. Highlight Active Effects - If you enable Highlight Active Effects in the Settings Menu then every time you change a Card in slot 1, 2 or 3, the Skills Description Text will be highlighted across all 3 cards with the cards color to show it is active in the current 3 card build chosen.
4. Presets Menu Features
     - Tap the Presets Button to reveal the Presets Menu Selector and choose your desired action:
     A. Add Current Cards as a Preset - Save all current Cards that are equipped as a Preset and pop up a dialog to ask what name to give the Preset before saving.
     B. Delete a Card Preset - Once you tap Delete, choose the Preset from the list to delete. If you choose an option it will cancel the Deletion request.
     C. Generate a Random Card Preset - Randomize 3 Cards and show them in the Card Deck.
     D. Generate a Compatible Card Preset - Randomize 3 Cards that are compatible with the colors of the 1st Card.
     E. Generate a Perfect Card Preset - Randomize 3 Cards that are PERFECTLY matched with colors to have 6 passives being active while also showing other cards that match perfectly by revealing a Purple Card Selector on top the 2nd & 3rd Card slots.
At this time the Reset button will turn Purple so you can remove the matched cards selectors.
     F. Match 1st Card with Perfect Cards - Scan all Cards to find Perfect color matches for the 1st card that is currently chosen as well as showing other perfect card matches with the Purple Card Selector.
     G. Favorite Cards - Shows all the Favorite Cards in the Purple Card Selectors over the 1st, 2nd & 3rd slot. At this time the Reset button will turn Purple so you can remove the matched cards selectors.
          a. Adding Favorite Cards - Simply tap and hold the Star Rank Button to save the current chosen Card as a Favorite. Each Star Rank Button saves the Card in its own slot.
          b. Deleting Favorite Cards - While the Favorite Cards are shown, tap and hold the Purple Reset Button to delete ALL the saved Favorite Cards.
     H. Share Current Cards Build - Share the current chosen cards as text to other apps. Skill Descriptions will not be included, only Skills Names due to the Share function character limit amount.
     I. Copy Current Cards Build - This will copy all the details of the current chosen Cards including the skills descriptions to the clipboard so you can paste it anywhere else.
     J. Saved Presets - After all the Presets Menu functions you can find all your saved Card Presets.
5. Card Packs Menu
     - Here you can view which Cards are obtainable from the different Card Packs as well as other methods like Limited Cards, Monthly Cards, Token Card and more.
6. Card Stats & Rankings Menu
In this Menu you can view the top Cards for total power and the amount of each Card Type. More categories will be added in the future.
7. Add Custom Cards Menu
     A. Adding a Custom Card is a very simple process:
          1. Card Rank (Must) - Choose the Rank of the Card by tapping the Tier letter.
          2. Card 1st Color (Must) - Choose the 1st Color of the Card by tapping the first Gray Color Orb.
          3. Card 2nd Color (Optional) - Choose the 2nd Color of the Card by tapping the second Gray Color Orb.
          4. Card 3rd Color (Optional) - Choose the 3rd Color of the card by tapping the third Gray Color Orb.
          5. Card Number (Must) - Write the Card Number; it must be above %cardamountall
          6. Card Name (Must) - Write the Card Name; the default value must be changed.
          7. Skill 1 Description (Must) - Write the details of Skill 1; the default value must be changed.
          8. Skill 2 Description (Must) - Write the details of Skill 2; the default value must be changed.
          9. Attack Stat (Optional) - You can add the Attack Stat of the Card by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          10. HP Stat (Optional) - You can add the HP Stat of the Card by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          11. Defense Stat (Optional) - You can add the Defense Stat of the Card by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          12. Attack Boost at Rank 0-4 (Optional) - Here you can input the Attack Boost you get from the passive skills the Card gives by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          13. Defense Boost at Rank 0-4 (Optional) - Here you can input the Defense Boost you get from the passive skills the Card gives by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          14. Immune Boost at Rank 0-4 (Optional) - Here you can input the Immune Boost you get from the passive skills the Card gives by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          15. HP Boost at Rank 0-4 (Optional) - Here you can input the HP Boost you get from the passive skills the Card gives by swiping the number spinner or typing it.
          16. Stats Boosts at Rank 5 (Optional) - Tap the Stars Rank icon to turn it Gold color and then choose the extra boost at 5 stars by swiping the same number spinner.
               - Example 1:
If Card has a 4% attack boost at 0-4 stars and 6% at 5 stars then you choose 4, tap the Stars Rank icon to turn Gold, then choose 6.
               - Example 2:
If Card has 2 Passives with the same Stat Boost such as 4% attack boost at 0-4 stars from 1st skill and 4% attack boost from 2nd skill, while at 5 Stars they are 6% and 6% respectively, then add both stats boost together for a total of 8, tap the Stars Rank icon to turn Gold, then choose 12 as the total 5 Stars boost.
--NOTE: The 5 Star Stat Boost must be higher than the 4 Star stat boost; there is no need to tap the Gold Stars Rank icon again before saving.
          17. Save Custom Card - Tap the green Save Card button to save your Custom Card for the 2 following results:
--SUCCESS: The saving animation of Green/Gray checks will start and your saved Custom Card will be shown below with a spinner list containing all saved Custom Cards.
----FAILURE: The saving animation of Red/Gray checks will start and you’ll see a message saying to fill in the required Card information.
     B. Deleting a Saved Custom Card:
          1. Deleting when there is 1 saved Custom Card - Tap the Minus icon to simply delete the only Custom Card that was saved.
          2. Deleting when there is more than 1 Custom Card - Tap the Minus icon and then choose the Custom Card you want to delete from the Custom Cards name selector.
     C. Notes About Feature:
          1. You can load Custom Cards you added from the Card Filter Selector when making Card Presets in the Deck by Simply tapping ‘Card 1’, ‘Card 2’ or ‘Card 3’.
          -Custom Cards will show up as Rank C regardless of the Rank you set them up as.
          2. Until the “Eternal Bug” is fixed, the Gray and Red check images may not appear and instead show only the Green and Yellow Checks.
8. Help Menu
     - This Menu shows a simple visual Tutorial of what every Button does in the app as well as Reading the App Manual.
9. F2P / Dolphin / Whale / Kraken Modes
     A. F2P Menu - Here you can choose one of the F2P backgrounds with a few being unlocked by achieving a goal in the app. You can also enter the fun F2P Card GACHA from this Menu.
     B. Dolphin Menu - Thank you for supporting the app and getting the Dolphin version! Here you can choose one of the Dolphin backgrounds and also enter the fun Dolphin Card GACHA from this Menu.
     C. Whale Menu - BIG Thank you for supporting the app and getting the Whale version! Here you can choose one of the Whale backgrounds and also enter the fun Whale Card GACHA from this Menu.
     D. Kraken Menu - HUGE THANK YOU for supporting the app and getting the Kraken version! Here you can choose one of the Kraken backgrounds and also enter the fun Kraken Card GACHA from this Menu.
10. Card GACHA
     A. Basics - You can pull for Cards in the GACHA using the Zenny you got from viewing Cards in the Deck.
          a. F2P GACHA Tier - Pull on this banner to get Cards 1-100 and get the F2P reward for collecting all in the Treasure Box that will appear on the bottom left of the screen.
          b. Dolphin GACHA Tier - Unlock the Dolphin banner with 1,000,000 Zenny to be able to pull for Cards 101-200 and get the Dolphin reward for collecting all in the Treasure Box that will appear on the bottom left of the screen.
          c. Whale GACHA Tier - Unlock the Whale banner with 2,500,000 Zenny to be able to pull for Cards 201-300 and get the Whale reward for collecting all in the Treasure Box that will appear on the bottom left of the screen.
          d. Kraken GACHA Tier - Unlock the Kraken banner with 5,000,000 Zenny to be able to pull for Cards 301-%amountall and get the Kraken reward for collecting all in the Treasure Box that will appear on the bottom left of the screen.
     B. How to get Zenny - You get zenny every time a Card is viewed or changed in the Cards slots at the Card Deck Main Menu.
There are also visual objects across the app which have no functions that will give you random hidden Zenny if you tap them so go ahead and try to tap anything in the app! Good luck Zenny grinding & Hunting!
     C. Completion Rewards - Every new 100 Cards you obtain you will get a completion mark and a Zenny Treasure Box unlocked at the bottom left of the screen once you enter the gacha again.
     D. End Game Rewards - Once you Obtain 333 Cards you can access the ??? Page…
11. Settings & Information Menu
     A. Auto Card Filter - If enabled, once you choose the Card on the 1st slot, the 2nd & 3rd card slots will change to the first card’s 2nd & 3rd colors respectively.
     B. Highlight Active Effects - If enabled, every time you change a Card in slot 1, 2 or 3, the Skills Description Text will be highlighted across all 3 cards with the cards color to show it is active in the current 3 card build chosen.
     C. Reset App Data - This will delete all the app data and reset the app. You will be prompted to type “333” in order to confirm.
     D. Developer Diary - You can read notes and maybe secrets the Developer left here…
     E. Secret Developer Page - You will have to find the object in the app that takes you to this Mysterious Menu…
     F. ??? - Once you obtain 333 Cards you can access this Unknown Menu…
     G. Player Stats - This log will show MANY random stats and actions you performed in the app during your usage.
     H. Future Updates - Some of the features that are planned plus much more to come!
     I. Credits - People Credits, not Zenny Credits.
     J. Rate App - If you enjoy this app then feel free to give your feedback and rating.
     K. Share App - An easy way to Share X DiVE Card App with your Friends & Players!
     L. Support X DiVE Cards App - Thank you for considering to support the app and Developer, that would be amazing! You can choose the version of the app you want to upgrade to here.
12. Thank You Note
     <3 I made this App with the same Love I have for Mega Man since childhood so I hope you enjoy it fully and Thank you so much for using, rating, sharing and giving feedback to X DiVE Card App! <3
Yes this is the end of the app manual.

Watch Tutorial

A Showcase of all the Features

Watch the Tutorial for the app which showcase all the features in the app like Saving Presets, Auto Generating Perfect Card Presets, Adding Custom Cards, Auto Card Filter, the Card GACHA system and much more.

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